LWVO: 1924 to 2024
Highlights from Across The Years
Oakland Forum (predecessor to LWVO) founded
Founded as the Oakland Forum with the mission as described in Oakland Outlook article announcing formation of Forum: "... giving women of the Eastbay an opportunity to hear speakers of the country discuss timely topics without having to cross the Bay; to encourage local women to take greater interest in government, education, child welfare; and to give helpful cooperation in the improvement of all public institutions."
League Endorses Council-Manager
Form of Government
Following a four-year study, the League endorses the council-manager form of government for Oakland. The study found that more than 200 U.S. cities had adopted that structure since 1920.
Since then LWVO has studied the question of Oakland’s form of government at least thrice, mostly recently in 1993.
The Eastbay League changes its name to Oakland League of Women Voters
The Eastbay League of Women Voters changes its name to the Oakland League of Women Voters.
“We feel that from every standpoint it is better to give our league the name of the community in which most of its work and membership is concentrated,” said league president Mrs. F. L. Burckhalter.
Milk Ordinance
LWVO advocates for and celebrates the city council’s adoption of a milk safety ordinance hailed as one of the most sweeping in the nation.
“Our organization stands for the protection of the health of our children,” said Mrs. W. L. Forward, a league officer and leading proponent of the new safety guidelines.
Report on Oakland's Government
Published its first report on the Oakland Government.
Over the years, LWVO produced and updated a “Guide to Local Government”, which was used as a reference in Oakland schools.
Currently, the League publishes “Who Represents Oakland?” after each election.
Please click on the image on the right to see the latest version of "Who Represents Oakland?".
Report on Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex Proposal
Concerned about the proposed method of municipal financing, LWVO distributes pro/con report on the Coliseum plan.
Publishes Oakland Housing Bulletin
LWVO publishes a report on Housing for Low Income Families and Individuals in Oakland, with recommendations for future services. The League supports building 2500 public housing units.
Response to Proposition 13
In 1978, California voters enacted Proposition 13 which reduced local property tax revenues by approximately $6.1 billion (53%) virtually overnight by capping property tax rates at one percent and rolling back property values for tax purposes to the 1975-76 level.
Oakland Moved to District Elections
Oakland moved to District elections, from a system of "at-large" elections that forced anyone running for City Council to earn votes across the entire city.
ERA Quilt
A beautiful quilt created by LWVO members to support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
LWVO and KTVU partner for Election '82
Instead of holding Candidates Nights, LWVO presented interviews with candidates on KTVU. These eventually evolved into our candidate forums.
Transparency in Government
Oakland’s Sunshine Ordinance: The League tackled this issue starting in 1995-96, and brought it to a successful vote of the City Council this year.
It recognized that:
"Commissions, boards, councils, advisory bodies and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This Ordinance is intended to assure that their deliberations and that the City's operations are open to the public".
First Voter Registration Drive in HS
First registration drive in Oakland High Schools. Since then, we have registered thousands of students through our YOUth Decide committee.
Supported an independent redistricting commission and participated in writing the 2014 Oakland ballot measure that voters approved. Has since closely monitored the work of the Redistricting Commission.
First Videos of Pros & Cons
First videos of the pros & cons of local ballot measures. About 50 have been created since then.
Below is recent example of a pros & cons video:
LWVO Celebrates 100 Years
2024 marks 100 years that the League of Women Voters of Oakland has empowered voters and defended democracy.
Over the last century, we’ve strongly advocated for transparency, accountability and responsiveness of government — all while maintaining our commitment to nonpartisanship and fostering an informed electorate.
We look forward to another hundred years of serving our community, building power for the next generation of women leaders and inspiring voting rights activists
Please join our league!